I'd like to represent myself.

I'd like to represent myself.

It would be impossible for me to represent myself coming from a small island in the Caribbean sea. 

I find it a waste not to represent myself given the technology and resources available. As a representation of my creativity and vision.  This ideal of creating a " Clothing brand" can either fail or do extremely well. but Being realistic i'm at a turning point where I don't mind if I lose money along this journey of mines although that isn't a great thing to say Im extremely happy I have the mindset and courage to be creative and the opportunity to embrace it. To end this blog I want to personally say to you, the reader... If you have an idea go for it, Don't be afraid to pursue your ideas even if you think this "idea" of yours won't play out don't give up. For only you can make your vision become your reality.

-Edward Junior Castillo.

 I would like to express my gratitude to those close to me. My creative ideas have been supported by these people; Due to respect for privacy you know who you are... Thank you.

Reach out to me personally: @soulisticjunior on instagram 

Brand insta account : @soulisticworld 

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